# Range 区域选择



# Code Example

    <WhiteSpace size="lg" />
    <WingBlank size="lg">
      <p class="sub-title">Basic range</p>
      <Range style="margin-left:15px;margin-right:15px" :min="0" :max="20" :defaultValue="[3, 10]" @onChange="change" @afterChange="afterChange" />
    <WhiteSpace size="lg" />
    <WingBlank size="lg">
      <p class="sub-title">Disabled range</p>
      <Range style="margin-left:15px;margin-right:15px" :min="0" :max="20" :defaultValue="[3, 10]" disabled />
    <WhiteSpace size="lg" />
    <WingBlank size="lg">
      <p className="sub-title">Range with customized style</p>
      <Range style="margin-left:15px;margin-right:15px" :min="0" :max="20" :defaultValue="[3, 10]" :trackStyle="{backgroundColor: 'red'}" :railStyle="{backgroundColor: 'black'}" :handleStyle="[{ backgroundColor: 'yellow' }, { backgroundColor: 'gray' }]"/>
import Range from '@/components/range'
import WhiteSpace from '@/components/white-space'
import WingBlank from '@/components/wing-blank'
export default {
  components: {
  methods: {
    change (v) {
      console.log('change' + v)
    afterChange (v) {
      console.log('afterChange' + v)
<style scoped>
.sub-title {
  color: #888;
  font-size: 14px;
  padding: 30px 0 18px 0;
  margin: 0;


# props

属性 说明 类型 默认值
min 最小值 Number 0
max 最大值 Number 100
step 步长,取值必须大于 0,并且可被 (max - min) 整除。 Number 1
value 设置当前取值。 Array -
defaultValue 设置初始取值。 Array [0, 0]
disabled 值为 true 时,滑块为禁用状态 Boolean false
marks 未实现 刻度标记 - -
dots 未实现 是否只能拖拽到刻度上 - -
included 未实现 marks 不为空对象时有效,值为 true 时表示值为包含关系,false 表示并列 - -
count 未实现 Determine how many ranges to render, and multiple handles will be rendered (number + 1). - -
allowCross 未实现 allowCross could be set as true to allow those handles to cross. - -
pushable 未实现 pushable could be set as true to allow pushing of surrounding handles when moving an handle. When set to a number, the number will be the minimum ensured distance between handles. - -
handleStyle 滑块的样式,按数组顺序应用到多滑块 Array[Object] -
trackStyle 选中部分滑动条的样式 Array[Object] -
railStyle 未选中部分滑动条的样式 Array[Object] -

# events

事件名 说明 返回值
onChange 当 Slider 的值发生改变时,会触发 onChange 事件,并把改变后的值作为参数传入。 value
onAfterChange 拖动结束后,把当前值返回 value